Wednesday, June 30

the many faces of Alexis

The other night Jeremy took the two older kids camping, in equal parts to get them out of my hair and because everyone in this house is bored. From what I hear the three of them had a great time and came back very dirty. It's a well known fact of camping that there is a direct correlation between the amount of dirt you come home covered in to the amount of fun you had. They were excited to show me the pictures they took while camping, and there were some good ones. But some of the best are the pictures Alexis took. She took over the camera duties for awhile, and as she's wont to do, she took numerous self portraits. I thought I'd share a few of them with you.

First she starts with a smile:

Then she sees what she can do with her tongue:

Then she tries a more serious face, at an angle:

And there are several more, like the "how close can I get to my eye to take a picture?" and quite a few where only half of her face is actually in the frame. But this next one is my very favorite. I would even consider framing it, but it's a face I already see several times a day.
Here are a few other sweet pictures from the trip.

(She's scratching his back!)

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Love the back scratch! I can't even get Kole to do that.