Thursday, August 27

the big day

Do you hear that?

Listen closely?

Try again...

THAT is the sound of silence! Alexis started kindergarten today, and Tyler is napping, so my house is so quiet it's eerie. Alexis didn't do preschool last year, so it's been a long while since I've had this kind of quiet time to myself consistently (at least I hope it'll be consistent--as long as Ty-guy keeps napping)! What will I do with my time? I could nap! I could sew! I could watch TV! I can do anything I want within the walls of my home! Oh, the possibilities!
We've been waiting for this day for awhile, but today I started to panic. What if I haven't taught her enough? What if she picks her nose? What if she doesn't wash her hands after she uses the bathroom? What if she doesn't say please and thank-you? What if she's that kid that is always telling the teacher all sorts of random unrelated stuff (she will be)? What if she's rude, or doesn't listen? What if she cries and whines? Seriously, what have I been doing these last five years? And why did I think cramming all those instructions into her head this morning would do any good. It won't. I just need to remind myself that she is a good kid, she does listen to others, and she has more kindness in her little body than most people do in their big old bodies. So I should stop worrying already! I know she looks so relaxed in this picture, but she was a little nervous. She hadn't told me that until lunch today, but I could see it in her demeanor. I think it's good to be a little nervous, it'll keep her subdued and alert. So we had a chat and I told her everything I knew about how her day would go (which wasn't much), and she seemed a little better. By the time she was lined up with her class she seemed relaxed and ready to go.
And I've yet to I cried last night as I watched her sit on a chair, so reverently under her dad's hands, while he gave her a father's blessing, with the power of the Priesthood. Her little eyelids, fluttering as she tried to keep them closed, was more sweetness than my heart could take and I cried, just a little bit. But thinking about it now is bringing back the tears, so lets talk about something funny.

Have you ever watched a little kid try to blow up a balloon? It's pretty funny.

Did I mention that along the walk to school Alexis picked TWO dandelions for her teacher? I hope that teacher is ready for Alexis.
p.s. yes, she got a haircut!


Jennifer said...

She looks ADORABLE! I LOVE the haircut! What an exciting day!

Krissy said...

Her hair is even cuter dry than it was all drenched in the pool. Alexis is going to be an amazing student. I'm sure she is already BFFs with the whole class. And administration. And lunch-ladies. I love that girl!

Happy Thought, Indeed! said...

Adorable post, too!

Jessica Munk said...

LOVE that haircut! Fun post to read!

Lindsey said...

Her hair is sooo cute. She was always ADORABLE in primary so I'm sure school is the same in that regard. Her teacher I'm sure loved her. What a sweetheart!

The Shill Spill said...

I couldn't imagine Alexis being anything but superb at school. That little one has the enthusiasm and love that we all desire to have...or at least SHOULD desire to have in our own lives.
I love the dress she is wearing too, by the way.

KinsRae said...

So Cute. Lucky you, quiet... Whats that.

Jessica M said...

I hope she had a great first day. She looks beautiful!

Adam and Rachael said...

What a beautful little family you have!!! I hope she had a great first day. And enjoy your quiet moments when you get them. Mine are few and far between at this point. So savor them!!!