Frankly, I'm not happy about it.
But he's thrilled, of course. He made a killing on his birthday, and asked for a BYU cake. It was fairly easy to oblige him that one request, but I still do not like decorating cakes. It's just not my thing, but as long as they keep telling me that I make the best cakes (which they do, because they are young and don't know any better), then I will keep at it. After that, I'll buy them a pretty cake.
A week before he turned 5, Tyler was jumping around on furniture like a maniac and hit the back of his head on the windowsill. He ended up getting 5 staples for it, and the experience at the urgent care was the worst thing I've ever had to endure as a parent. I'm not exaggerating either. They had to give him a shot around the wound to numb it so they could put the staples in, and it was my job to hold him down. I'm not going to elaborate any more, I'll just say it was horrible. But the wound was deep enough that it justified it, I guess.
In fact, Tyler in general makes me feel weird. He creates a roller coaster of emotions in me lately. Mostly because he's trying so hard to grow up and I'm trying so hard to not let him. He missed the kindergarten deadline by a few months, but he wants to be in school so badly. I didn't put him in preschool for a few reasons, the main one being that I know this is the last year I have with him at home. Once he starts school I will not be his only influence anymore. He'll have a teacher that he spends part of the day listening to, and friends who will start filling his head with all sorts of ideas. So while we have plenty of days that are rough and make me rethink my decision to keep him out of preschool, for the most part I enjoy having him here. I like his company, I like to look at his cute face, I like to hear the funny things he says, I like to watch him play with/beat up on Ryan, and I like to be involved in every minute of his life. I am his mother, I think it's my right. So I'm soaking it in while I can, and next year I suppose I'll let him go to kindergarten (though I know it'll hurt my heart a little).
Tyler has been playing soccer this fall, and he's really good at it. He loves to be out there running around, trying to get the ball, and hoping for a goal. It's a lot of fun to watch him because he's very enthusiastic about it all.
This last picture makes me laugh, because it just seems to portray them perfectly.
Tyler brings a sweet innocence to our family that I love. He's a companion to his sister, a guide to his brother, a sidekick to his dad, and an absolute treasure to me. I'm thankful everyday that I get to spend my days with him and that I get to be his mother--it's a real treat.