First: Thanks for all your enthusiasm about my bags. I like them, but sometimes I'm so hard on myself and figure no one else will think they're that great. So thanks. Also, I set up my etsy shop last night and when I checked my email just now I saw that someone bought one! Someone I don't even know! So that's exciting to me. Here's the link. Those of you that mentioned linking it on their blogs, well, I'd love you forever if you did that. Odds are I'll love you forever anyway, but it'd still be great. And if you like the bags but don't care for the fabric, keep checking back because my plan is to not make too many out of the same fabrics, but keep switching them. I'll just get bored if they are all the same. Also, if you live by me, talk to me about getting one because etsy will make you pay shipping and odds are it won't cost four dollars for me to hand it to you.
Second: I love this.Jammies, a blanket, a pillow, a book and some toy cars. Almost the most perfect way to spend an afternoon. Throw in some sugar cookies and I'd be right there next to him.
Third: Jeremy asked me last night if I would rather have 20/20 vision (cause I don't, you see. You SEE? hahaha) or never get a canker sore again. I picked 20/20 vision which kind of surprised him. So anyway, that question inspired a new segement on my blog that I'll have every...whenever I feel like it. It's called WOULD YOU RATHER? And here is the one rule: You have to answer the question. Even if you don't put your answer in the comments (though really you should) you have to ponder the question and answer it to yourself, or else it's no fun. That's just life, if someone asks you a "would you rather", you have to answer! I'll keep them clean but I can't guarantee there won't be some gross ones about eating snails and stuff like that. So here is the first one.
-Walk 50 miles in a pair of shoes 2 sizes too small in the desert
-Walk 50 miles in the desert in your normal shoe size but you have to listen to "Barbie Girl" by Aqua over and over the whole time?
I've included the music video in case you aren't familiar with the song. Except apparently I don't know what I'm doing, so it's up at the top.
DEFINITELY listen to Barbie Girl while walking. My shoe size fluctuates alot (don't one believes me, but it's true) so I've had many a time where I've worn the wrong size of shoe. It's freaking painful.
p.s. My brother in law does weekend Would You Rather's on his's super fun. Glad you're jumping on that bandwagon.
Oh, and congrats on your crayon bag sale!! It's the best feeling when you sell something you've made, huh? Love it!
Wow this is soo hard for me! I can't stand physical discomfort...but when hiking a hard really takes a lot of mental control...or should i say i go mental i think in the end i would take barbie girl...because perhaps i could tune it out some of the time...whereas with every step my foot would kill...and that is even before the blisters develop!
50 with barbie song
shoe size difference would kill me
It is much easier for me to block out noise than pain, so I'd definitely have to go with the Barbie Girl. Although trekking 50 miles through the desert would probably be painful anyway you look at it.
That song is almost funny...except whem accompanied by the video, then it's just painful. I almost threw up in my mouth. However, since I can only assume there would be no video torture whilst walking through said desert, I'm gonna have to take desert with Barbie Girl for 50 Lisa. I am not a fan of pain no matter the scenario.
I still love the bags and congratulations on your first etsy sale!
ok dont laugh but london loves that song and always tries to sing it..thankfully she really has the words wrong:) but oh yeah barbie for's kinda catchy...i bet you are dying that i admitted that!
50 miles listening to Barbie Girl in the hopes that crappy music is better than no music...hmmm, I may need to retract that. BTW, I have those same pillows that Tyler is laying on-love that Target.
If I had to listen to Barbie Girl the whole time, I'd run, not walk!
Barbie Girl for sure. And thanks to the music video, it is stuck in my head so I will start my 50 miles now.
Barbie Girl all the way!!! It'll help me keep my pace up! And by the way your bags rock. I LOVE the ones in your etsy shop with the frog fabric. They are so freaking cute.
I too would listen to Barbie Girl. Maybe I'd challenge myself to learn all the words and be able to sing the song perfectly by the end. That would give me something to pass the time and work for.
two sizes too small just because i don't want to be like everyone else.
I think I'm going to have to choose neither. Why would I walk 50 miles in the desert in the first place??? I have a car!
If I had to choose one, the easy answer would obviously be to listen to Aqua. But, that's only because I think I wouldn't be able to stand the pain of two sizes too small. (Because eventually I'd probably pop a hole in the shoe and therefore would have no shoe to wear in the end...leaving me the desert of ALL places!)
Cute little Ty-guy reading! :) I love to see my boys pull books out and/or spend a few minutes doing something I hope they will do later in their lives. :)
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