Friday, December 5

spreading a little christmas cheer

One of the best parts of Christmas, in my opinion, is getting Christmas cards in the mail. Now I know lots of people think they are cheesy, but I absolutely LOVE them. Perhaps it's my fight against technology changing the world, but I still love to get real paper mail, at least when it's not bills. So every Christmas I look forward to cards coming in the mail and then I tape them up on the inside of my front door. That way I see them often and look at all the pictures over and over and over. It's not weird, I just like pictures, alright?

So far I've received three Christmas cards in the mail (Thanks Bri, cute card!) and guess who two of them are from?? On two different days this week, we have received identical cards from our mortgage banker who set up our home loan over three years ago. And I have to say, it sure is nice to hear from him. I've really missed him. (Are you catching the sarcasm? Cause there's more coming up!)

The same amount of love I have for Christmas cards from friends (A LOT!), is the same amount of hate I have for Christmas cards from companies. And to get two from the same guy really makes me mad. Make a list, dude, and check it twice (if it works for Santa...) so you don't send me a card twice.

I'm no dummy, I understand why he sends it to us. He doesn't want us to forget about him (even though he long ago forgot about us) and wants us to refer him to our friends. So listen friends, if you are looking to get yourself hitched to a mortgage, I know a great guy--he fits all of the top four criteria that are important in picking a mortgage banker:
1. helps get a good interest rate
2. reputable company
3. easy to work with
4. SENDS OUT HOLIDAY CARDS! Two in one year if you're really lucky.

The thing I do feel a little bad about is that I only sent him one card this year.


Merrick said...

That's awesome. I have one measly Christmas card hanging up on my pantry door, taunting at Philip cause he hates stuff like that (not Christmas cards..just hanging them up). It does look a little stupid to just have one. You should thank your mortgage banker for filling up your door a little more than it would have been filled :)

pfabulouspfun-der said...

We get mail from our "sweet" mortgage guy all the time. I'm sure his Christmas cards are on their way. Does he forget that he totally made my loan process horrible... months later the builder was strying to get thousands of dollars from us due to HIM... he sent me to his expensive appraiser to help me get stuff I didn't even qualify for through HIS company!!! I just LOVE getting mail with his smug little face on it. (I think you hit a sore spot:)!)

Shelise said...

Lisa you can always make laugh. I love reading your blog and I know I have told you that like a dozen times. Anyway, I know what you mean about getting the real card. I love getting them. We only have one so far. As for the mortgage guy, when you need one in the future, mine is really great... and I am NOT being sarcastic. He did our initial loan almost 5 years ago, did a re-fi for us 4 years ago, and I called him about 1-2 years ago (to get pre-qualified for the house we still haven't bought) and he still remembered us and pretty-much everything about us. And, he doesn't send Christmas cards. The only thing we ever got from him was a letter saying that he was changing companies and we have gotten movie sneek peek tickets. Anyway, he is awesome so if you ever need anyone, let me know.

Darla said...

You gotta feel bad for the poor guy. Everyone's struggling right now. (; What a funny post, Lisa. I too, LOVE Christmas cards and letters in the mail. Send me your address and I'll send you something.